Why has Q Chat Space temporarily stopped hosting chats?
Q Chat Space stopped hosting live, chat-based, facilitated support groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens 13 to 19 years old because CenterLink, the organization that manages Q Chat Space, needs to focus their work in response to budget decreases and to better respond to any changes in the legislative landscape. CenterLink is looking for a partner to take over Q Chat Space but will be pausing chats in the meantime. If unable to find a partner, Q Chat Space will not reopen.
With Q Chat Space not currently hosting chats, where can I go to find friends/get support?
We encourage you to find your closest LGBTQ community center using CenterLink’s directory. Most of the centers have youth programs and many of those have digital programs through Discord and other platforms. The facilitators from Youth Outlook have also invited any Q Chat Space users to join their virtual drop in. We also encourage you to check out Trevor Space to set up an account and/or Give Us The Floor and see if you like those platforms.
With Q Chat Space not hosting chats any longer, how can I keep in touch with friends I’ve made on Q Chat Space?
Once you've joined Trevor Space you can then join the Q Chat Space club within Trevor Space to find your Q Chat Space friends. Give Us The Floor will be creating a channel for Q Chat Space alum to find each other.
What’s the fine print?
Read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for Q Chat Space website. You will see that these are the privacy policy and terms of use of CenterLink’s web properties because this website is affiliated with CenterLink.